Article Style required when content is provided by client

This document comments on the fact that it is of course possible for clients to provide their own content.

However we want to stress some facts about my understanding of good informational content – content that is hosted on a presell page

the page shall not contain

  • any kinds of sales pitches
  • any persuasive phrases like “Believe me – it will change your life”
  • any action phrases like “Buy now – it will change your life”
  • any sales-letter specific timeouts and other urging language tricks like “Act now – only 3 minutes left for you” phrases
  • any kinds of vendor logos or custom design
  • any kinds of email, phone or other type of contact data
  • any kinds of banners for your products & services
  • any kind of tracking, page counter or other scripts
  • short – anything that would identify the page as a “sales page”
  • the content shall blend into existing site’s content and structure,
    and therefore will not explicitly or implict be labelled as advertisement

Pages will have a max of 4 links to your site , not more.
(Your site refers to ONE domain of yours.)

The reason is that the page shall provide good, informational and educational content about your service, your products, your industry… and reference you as an authority or recommendation in there… together with other authority sites (i.e. an .EDU site having a study about your sector or similar)

Also the pages will be written about you as a 3rd party, not by yourself as an advertiser. That’s why it’s a good option that WE write the content as well.

That means a presell page may not contain any sales pitch, commercial offers, etc.

Hosted Content Pages would be an even better name than presell pages
but presell page is just better established and well know in SEO circles…

Note also, that depending on the host, some or all pages will carry Adsense or other contextual ad services – throughout the whole site typically…

Creating good informational content is work, and that’s why one of my writers will create such an article for you for $50 – and that’s why it is not included for free as with other presell page brokers but offered as an add-on service to save you time… after all you get what you pay for.

Please let me know if you have questions on this matter.


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