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What are Presell Pages ?

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Presell-Pages – also referred to as marketing content hosting on established authority sites, billboard adsadvertorial placement, hosted marketing pages or simply the perfect link.
It all means the same – placement of an article – an informational and well written and proof-read article about your business , your industry , your features and benefits .

This article links to your site as well as some trusted authority sites (.edus or .govs) related to that topic.

That article shall really be good for the user – not a simple sales page. It will help the user learn about the industry and business you are working in.

You know what Google says about SEO : “If it’s good for the user, it will be good for your sites ranking”

The page will be assigned a great trust-rank, for being hosted on an established domain, often 5-10 years old – linked from tons of commercial and even .edu / .gov domains – and linked from within that site using your keywords so it will certainly rank for itself – for your site’s topic and keywords!

Furthermore you’ll get the benefit of great (deep-) links to your site from this authority site – helping your own TrustRank as well.


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